Wednesday, September 9, 2015

F5/14/2015 United States Governance: Voters (Right Way - Good) vs. Lobbyists (Wrong Way - Evil)

Is it time for “We the People” to remove political labels, our selfish attitudes, and immoral and unethical discrimination toward our neighbors?

Humanistic Thought: “Love your neighbor as you love yourself." 

You could be in their personal situation some day! That is why everything in this post will feel very personal; if you have any human capability to feel!

Where is the justice, freedom, liberty, and … for all: according the United States Declaration of Independence, Constitution, and Bill of Rights

When will the U.S.Government understand we want our laws to be enforced as needed by United States Citizens (We the People) in the United States of America (The Peoples Democracy)

“We the People” need to bring the trillions of tax dollars we pay in taxes to bare on billionaires, corporations, and politicians in legal ways; through the Department of Justice to reclaim the United States of America in unarmed revolution!

“We the People” can stop current trends in the United States of America (The Bosses and Law Enforcers): if we use our voices, writings, calls, social media postings, protests, and votes in fact based truth to change the grave situations in our Democracy!  

Citizens have lost Hope, Trust, and are Dead because: politicians, corporations, and the wealthy have completely Immoral and Unethical values!

How does it feel to be owned and manipulated by greedy intentions: completely Selfish, Conceited, Discrimination Oriented, Hate filled, People Enslaving, and Evil reasons?

How does waiting for people to change and make existing laws work: Is it working you as a citizen of the United States of America? If you apply tough love you will put your child out of your home to bring peace to your home and teach the child “Accountability breeds Response-Ability”.

“We the People”: Citizens of the United States of America need to know if our nation has been bought or sold! We will know soon through the following approach!

What if the true Patriots of the United States of America (Citizens) demanded 100% focus on these activities legally by the United States Government and its elected or appointed officials? 

Many short, few paragraph or sentence, laws exit already; to fix most of the problems in the United States of America (Validly enacted to protect us from ourselves and our government as validated by documented and judicially ruled upon historical experiences!)!

What if “We the People” demanded Prosecution, maximum fines, and Maximum Prison Terms for White-collar crime at all levels in our society?  

White-collar crime: refers to financially motivated nonviolent crime committed by business and government professionals. 

Within criminology, it was first defined by sociologist Edwin Sutherland in 1939 as "a crime committed by a person of respectability and high social status in the course of his occupation".

What if certain Supreme Court Justices, Federal Judges, State judges, and Local judges were removed for illegally using personal opinions too legislate and justify enslaving “We the People” to plutocracy and oligarchy in their rulings?

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