Friday, September 18, 2015

05/20/2015 Call your Senators: ask them what truths do your actions tell?

“We the People (The Bosses and Law Enforcers can stop current trends in the United States of America ): if we legally use our voices, writings, phone calls, emails, social media postings (tweets, posts, shares, etc.), protests, and votes in fact based truth to change the grave situations in our Democracy!

Please, read this document and its links in their entirety and then formulate you respectful approach to telling your Senators that you do not want the Trans Pacific Partnership and what you really want the federal government to do immediately.

Then call your Senators unendingly until the stop treating us like non-constituents, living and breathing citizens, when non-breathing multinational corporation are treated like people!
For months “We the People” (Constituents and Voters): have tried to express our frustration to the smaller of the Congressional Legislative Bodies; The Senate.

For less than 24 hours “We the People” temporarily saw some hope: when you did not move the TPA (Fast Track Legislation) forward. The highlighted link in the previous sentence expressed true and verifiable facts and reasons we did not want the Trans Pacific Partnership.

Next, “We the People” discussed that what we needed to do and then expressed what our Federal Government must do! Did you hear us? The simple answer is “NO”: the United States Senate went back to business as usual!

When “We the People” observed this happening we respectfully shared that transparency showed that Stakeholders (values based people) needed Shareholders (multinational non-values based entities) to be removed from power in our democracy: we expressed that we knew the difference between; Right (good) and Wrong (evil) Governance in the United States of America!

“We the People” then expressed how $1.18 billion in 2014 Campaign Donations to Congress had led to complete Collusion and Corruption of politician legislators because of 
Fraud and Quid Prop Quo: we then respectfully express to you what needed to be done to correct this situation.

Well, “We the People”, who are still being ignored, are only left dis-respectful and consequential solutions to moving "We the People" to first: through legal revolutionary repair of the United States of America.

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