Sunday, February 21, 2016

02/21/2016 Got a couple minutes to reflect? What are yoiu doing for yourself and others?

You know how troubled I am; you have kept a record of my tears... The day I call to you, my enemies will be turned back... The Lord, whose promises I praise. In him I trust, and I will not be afraid. What can a mere human being do to me?

Do you spend the day looking for bad news; do you search it out?

Multi-national Media's idea of breaking news:

North Korea is building more nuclear bombs but cannot hit us because they do not have the missiles and technology to hits us at home. Oops, North Korea now has sent technology into the sky above the earth. The United Nations are concerned that they are going to be able to send nuclear bombs to us from the skies above the earth. don't worry when they send them into the skies above the earth they could never fall to earth randomly because United Nations sanctions have destroyed their economy and their supreme leader is killing the rational people in the military.

2016 Politics:

The 2016 election could come down to two candidates.


Donald Trump Foreign Policy & Wages?      Hillary Clinton Looks like Bernie’s; Ah, NO!

Also ran, in order of people's choice by the media's polls:


Ted Cruz Constitutional; Ah, NO!               Marco Rubio Everyone’s Rich?

Are these the only choices to make America Great Again?

No there is an unrealistic, irrational, democratic socialist in the mold of FDR; and he is the most like to help you, your families, your friends, and others out of oppression.

What is his name and what is platform from what he has experienced and learned over more than 25 years?

Bernie Sanders' Daily Positions on Democracy in America.

Bernie Sanders' On the Issues.

Can I Meet Bernie to find out about him?

Is Bernie in the News?

Does Bernie have any events in my area of the country?

Beside voting in the primaries, caucus's, and general election; what can I do?

Can I help him monetarily; since he does not talk corporate donations?

How did you pick Bernie as the candidate for you?

Well, I am human, make human mistakes, lack wisdom, and knowledge; so I read or listen to much Good News!

What are you doing now about the 2016 elections and into the future?

Saturday, February 20, 2016

02/20/2016 Died, Buried, Alive in Christ? Justice of God's Righteousness and Judgment Only!

Respect duly given Truth (Verified Facts)!

Hear Leviticus 19:15-16 Amplified Bible, Classic Edition 
You shall do no injustice in judging a case; you shall not be partial to the poor or show a preference for the mighty, but in righteousness and according to the merits of the case judge your neighbor.
You shall not go up and down as a dispenser of gossip and scandal among your people, nor shall you [secure yourself by false testimony or by silence and] endanger the life of your neighbor. I am the Lord.
John G. Roberts, Jr., Chief Justice of the United States:
Party:  Republican.
Religious Affiliation:  Roman Catholic.
Believes the U.S. Constitution is a living and breathing document. NO
Believes in the Constitution's Clause of Separation of Church and State. NO
Anthony M. Kennedy, Associate Justice:
Party:  Republican.
Religious Affiliation:  Roman Catholic.
Believes the U.S. Constitution is a living and breathing document. NO
Believes in the Constitution's Clause of Separation of Church and State. NO
Clarence Thomas, Associate Justice:
Party:  Republican.
Religious Affiliation:  Roman Catholic.
Believes the U.S. Constitution is a living and breathing document. NO
Believes in the Constitution's Clause of Separation of Church and State. NO
Ruth Bader Ginsburg, Associate Justice:
Party:  Democrat.
Religious Affiliation:  Jewish.
Believes the U.S. Constitution is a living and breathing document. YES
Believes in the Constitution's Clause of Separation of Church and State. YES
Stephen G. Breyer, Associate Justice:
Party:  Democrat.
Religious Affiliation:  Jewish.
Believes the U.S. Constitution is a living and breathing document. YES
Believes in the Constitution's Clause of Separation of Church and State. YES
Samuel Anthony Alito, Jr., Associate Justice:
Party:  Republican.
Religious Affiliation:  Roman Catholic.
Believes the U.S. Constitution is a living and breathing document. NO
Believes in the Constitution's Clause of Separation of Church and State. NO
Sonia Sotomayor, Associate Justice:
Party:  Democrat.
Religious Affiliation:  Roman Catholic.
Believes the U.S. Constitution is a living and breathing document. YES
Believes in the Constitution's Clause of Separation of Church and State. YES
Elena Kagan, Associate Justice:
Party:  Democrat.
Religious Affiliation:  Jewish.
Believes the U.S. Constitution is a living and breathing document. YES
Believes in the Constitution's Clause of Separation of Church and State. YES

Hear Let My People Think: Ravi Zacharias at Yale University - Part 1

Hear Let My People Think: Ravi Zacharias at Yale - Part 2

Can we allow Congress to put appointing a new Supreme Court Justice? Call your Elected Officials and tell them you moral values thoughts.

Tuesday, February 16, 2016

02/16/2016 Antidisestablishmentarianism - First Amendment to the Bill of Rights!


The First Amendment (Amendment I) to the United States Constitution prohibits the making of any law respecting an establishment of religion, impeding the free exercise of religion, abridging the freedom of speech, infringing on the freedom of the press, interfering with the right to peaceably assemble or prohibiting the petitioning for a governmental redress of grievances. It was adopted on December 15, 1791, as one of the ten amendments that constitute the Bill of Rights.

It is a political position that developed in 19th-century Britain in opposition to Liberal (Against the People - wanted slavery in the Colonies'; for Democratic Social Economics, moral values, and populism) proposals for the disestablishment of the Church of England—meaning the removal of the Anglican Church's status as the state church of England, Ireland, and Wales. The establishment was maintained in England, but in Ireland the Church of Ireland (Anglican) was disestablished in 1871. 

In Wales, four Church of England dioceses were disestablished in 1920 and became the Church in Wales.

The word has also come by analogy to refer to any opposition to those who oppose the establishment, whether the government in whole or part or the established society. 

The truth is there was division during the writing of the Constitution based in political parties. U.S. Declaration of Independence: That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the --That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed.  governed, ...

The belief of the framers of the U.S. Declaration of Independence and the Constitution was that there should not be a national church that dictates moral values; because that can lead to corruption of the true intent of God's Plans and His Holy Word for selfishness, greed, and can potentially be used to divide communities of people to tare apart this nation.

Bad Examples:

Charles & David Koch - Libertarian Party, Tea Party... (many other Billionaires and Millionaires?) 

The Republican Party (GOP - Grand Old Party?)

The Democratic Party (Democratic Farmer and Labor Party?)

Good Examples:

Wounded Warriors Community (Why is our government and you not doing this?)

American Cancer Society (Why do its leaders take so much money?)

Unions (Of, by, and for the People to fight injustice in the work place; Why do leaders of these support corrupt politicians when they know that if a true democratic vote was taken; who they support would not be the peoples choice?)

What should be done?

Offer Help and Hope!

Friday, February 5, 2016

U.S. Government websites don’t return excellent search results?

Basic Mission:

Perceive people’s needs; by standing in their shoes!
Think outside the business box of Return on Investment!
No preconditions allowed (time, money, personnel, etc.).
Return 4 Individuals R4I ($ in the Upper Case # 4); Both the VA and the Veteran Citizen.
It should be with the realistic and rational expectations!

Example:  Project Management for the process of doing simple google search.

Asking What?  How to do a simple google that returns the best results for updating a DD214.
Asking Why?  Soldier’s DD214 missing 18 years of service (overseas and combat) and medals.
Asking How?
Asking What?  DD214 update
Why?   U.S. Government websites don’t return excellent search results?
How?   Use minimum of critical words; add words only if needed. Critical words used: What? DD 214; Why? Update

3rd Result:  How to Upgrade Your Military Discharge - Veterans to the ...

4th Result:  Welcome Veterans to the DD214 Website!

When? ASAP

Readjusting and follow-up!

Note: Too be added to the websites pages:

Critical Follow-up on Nursing Triage Problem from 01/29/2016

The Assignment if you are willing to accept it.

Basic Mission: 
Perceive people’s needs; by standing in their shoes!
Think outside the business box of Return on Investment!
No preconditions allowed (time, money, personnel, etc.).
Return 4 Individuals R4I ($ is the Upper Case # 4); Both the VA and the Veteran.
It should be with the realistic and rational expectations!
Example: Bees Nest.
There are the nests, queen bees, bees, and honey (ROI & R4I). I am here to beat the nest to get more honey for the hard working self-less VA employees, the VA, and Veterans.
Asking What?
Triage nurse line (Tomah Medical Center, Regional Medical Center, and National VA).
Asking Why?
I had arm pain and did not want to spend money, I do not have, to go to the emergency room and was seeking nurses, physician assistants, or doctor’s opinion.
I received no return calls!
Asking the How to plan to fix it with What, Why, How, When Questions!
Phone system; just 1 number…
1.   All calls will be routed electronically with time stamps and who received it. Only Direct contacts are when person is given the direct phone number and email. All contact routing will be done by zip code (i.e. 54476-2919) first then by branch, then by agency, etc.
2.   Prompted with questions per medical system numbers.
a.    Veteran’s information (SSN? Or Initial and Last 4)
b.    Pain Level
c.    Pain Area (Arm, leg, head,…)
d.   Additional simple questions as necessary
e.    Priority assigned (Critical…)
f.     Routing to Triage, etc. for Action and follow-up process.
3.   Change electronic and other systems.
Move forward creating action plans on when?
1.   Start using staff that are not doing crisis medical treatment. Use staff that can focus attention on this one critical task! Objective saving lives and proper holistic medical approach for veterans.
2.   Daily (maybe ½ hour at a local medical center) 24 hour triage review by triage team and action of asking what, why, how, when!
3.   One week – Fix computer, phone, and paging applications and test.
4.   One Month - Start roll out to one medical center…
5.   6 months – National roll out.

More to come to try and help from a veterans perceptions and perspective. Freely given!!!

Note: Will be changing to become more of a veterans and citizen's concern and triage resource.

Thursday, February 4, 2016

02/04/2016 Getting Real with U.S. Self-less Servants (U.S. Senator or Representative)

Truths of the economics for job positions.

Enough is Enough!

Very few senators or representatives are self-less servants to "We the People".

Few work all their hours and yet they get full pay and benefits and charge running around to the citizens of the U.S.

Their pay is reasonable for people in their positions. Seniors and many of us do not make a living wage nor do we get Senators or Representatives for cost of living adjustments (2015-2016 as an example) needs according to our costs.

They get family leave time and yet they will not give it to "We the People" as a right! They get full health care as a right and yet "We the People" do not have a right to affordable and rational health care.

Job Description of a U.S. Senator or Representative:

High energy, a charismatic or approachable personality and the ability to navigate bureaucratic channels are traits that help United States senators succeed. Senators represent the interests of their states’ citizens, write and support legislation and vote on bills. They divide their time between their home states and Washington, D.C., and spend considerable time meeting with constituents and fellow lawmakers and attending Senate sessions.

Just the Facts

U.S. senators must be at least 30 years old and citizens of the U.S. Membership is open to both natural-born and naturalized citizens, providing that naturalized citizens have been citizens for at least nine years. Naturalized citizens are people born in other countries who become citizens of the U.S. Senators must be inhabitants of the state they represent. Each senator serves a six-year term and is paid $174,000 per year, as of 2014. Senate majority and minority leaders receive $193,400 annually, and the president pro tempore receives $223,500. A background in business, communications or law can be helpful, particularly when writing or evaluating legislation.

Division Manager Job Description:

Division managers are part of America's middle management. These professionals are usually well-rounded and skilled at lots of managerial functions. Some of these tasks include human resources, sales management, production management and administrative management. The division manager is the equivalent of a lieutenant colonel in military standards. They oversee a wide range of personnel and job functions. They have large organizational responsibility while reporting to a vice president, general manager or controller. The 2009 average salary of a division manager is $174,000 in 2015.

Additional Information:

These job's require 60 hour plus work weeks and much reading and research at home on your own time. They require at least a 12 hour work day Monday through Friday and some Weekends.

Include in their compensation is 4 weeks vacation and maybe a week a quarter (every 3 months) for outside offsite interactions with constituents/customers.

Include average health insurance (medical 75/25; no vision, maybe dental). Any other benefits are paid by the employee and they are not paid for for work more hours and receive deductions in pay or fired when they do not working 2,880 hours a year in all capacities.

Peaceful Protest and Civil Disobedience for this Political Revolution Please!

Disclaimer for the Website and its blog and our writings do not suggest or condone any violence.

We recommend the following:
  1. Use the buddy system and have two or more people go with you and stay together as a transparency and self protection team.
  2. Take nothing that could be considered a weapon with you to any event, protest, or act of civil disobedience.
  3. In any situation and the best response is to turn around and remove yourself from the situation without any physical of verbal responses. 
  4. Do not consume or bring any common sense changing friends and altering alcohol, drugs, etc. with you!
  5. Always obey the directions of legal authorities and do nothing that could be considered too be aggression.
Politicians; too what and whom do you pledge allegiance?

Veterans: pledge allegiance by saying self-lessly that the will support and defend to the U.S. Constitution, U.S. Bill of Rights, and Federal Laws. The also say they will defend the flag, their fellow military comrades in arms, and the freedoms of U.S. Citizens and others from treason and tyranny.

National Guardsman, State Police, County Sheriff Deputies, and Police must not be used against peaceful citizen protests. When wrongly used to abuse and mistreat citizens they and their leaders must be held accountable to federal laws and harsh consequences should be exacted as needed! Including civil financial culpability!

If you have addition suggestions; please use this link to contact us.

02/04/2016 - Mission Impossible - Kissing Our Government to make it loving and loyal self-less servants to “We the People”!

Basic Mission: 

Requires that self-less servants take action and seek truth; then communicate facts to "We the People".

Perceive people’s needs; by standing in their shoes!

Thinking out side the business Return on Investment Box! No preconditions allowed (time, money, personnel, etc.). Return 4 Individuals R4I ($ in the Uppper Case # 4). It should be with the expectation of weeks to at the most a year for complete closure.

Asking What? & Why?

I.E.  U.S. Federal Government phone, email, and other systems do not work to the benefit of "We the People"

Asking Why?

Do they Care? My vote is no because like when I served in Alaska inside the Arctic Circle (-112).

Our jeeps cooling systems liquids froze while the engines were running. Kind of like our political parties and people that do not challenge what their leaders are doing! These people must have ice water in their veins when it comes to constituents needs.

Trans Pacific Partnership; Universal Health Care, $15 Minimum Wage (Living wage); Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid - eliminate the income tax cap!

Move forward creating action plans on How?

Keep Senators and Congresses website simple and consistent (Only 1 template and 2 pictures like Facebook pages; no political ideologies allowed (parties or caucus's).
  1. Facebook, Twitter Blogs... allowed.
  2. No blocking people from posting on their elected official pages like Congressman Sean Duffy and Other politicians do! Allow document, picture and video postings!
  3. If blocking is necessary for language or content reasons; then it must be reported to Facebook, Twitter... for transparency and stopping political ideology blocking of constituents.
Phone systems drop people all the time or they give up after hours of being on the line. Unmonitored voice mail is not the answer!
  1. One national contact website email and phone number following Governmental Agencies (Transparency - Realistic, Rational, Reasonable, and Practical Accountability, Culpability, and Responsibility.). Hiding and not answering is not allowed; 1 week response times maximum.
  2. Universal Prompts and Search Engine Optimization (7th Grade education level wording and reading level requirement.)
    • What
    • Why
    • How
    • When (Priority System). I.E. Government Triage, Medical Triage, etc.
  3. All calls will be routed electronically with time stamps and who received it. Only Direct contacts are when person is given the direct phone number and email. All contact routing will be done by zip code (i.e. 54476-2919) first then by branch, then by agency, etc.
  4. Universal Filing and Action Reporting requirement (per Below). Journals Logs and Reporting Monthly on Home Page for each branch.
  • Established in Article II, Section 2 of the Constitution, the Cabinet's role is to advise the President on any subject he may require relating to the duties of each member's respective office.
  • U.S. Executive Branch
    • President Barack Obama
    • Vice President of the United States Joseph R. Biden
    • Department of State Secretary John Kerry
    • Department of the Treasury Secretary Jack Lew
    • Department of Defense Secretary Ashton Carter
    • Department of Justice Attorney General Loretta E. Lynch
    • Department of the Interior Secretary Sally Jewell
    • Department of Agriculture Secretary Thomas J. Vilsack
    • Department of Commerce Secretary Penny Pritzker
    • Department of Labor Secretary Thomas E. Perez 
    • Department of Health and Human Services Secretary Sylvia Mathews Burwell 
    • Department of Housing and Urban Development Secretary Julián Castro
    • Department of Transportation Secretary Anthony Foxx 
    • Department of Energy Secretary Ernest Moniz
    • Department of Education Secretary Arne Duncan
    • Department of Veterans Affairs Secretary Robert McDonald
    • Department of Homeland Security Secretary Jeh Johnson
  • U.S. Congress
    • House of Representatives
    • Senate
  • U.S. Supreme Court
Move forward creating action plans on When?


02/03/2016 Institutional Government - Simple Definitions - Return On Investment - Zero

Simple Definition of Veteran:

Loving, loyal, self-less servants that gave service in the military to defend the freedoms defined in the U.S. Constitution and Bill of Rights; so U.S. Citizens and others can be free from tyranny. Veterans will not allow you to kill, assault, abuse, or put down themselves or others no matter what.

Simple Definition of Communism (Russia, China, Iran…):

A way of organizing a society in which the government owns the things that are used to make and transport products (such as land, oil, factories, ships, etc.) and there is no privately owned property.

The United States of America was setup by citizens (We the People) to be governed as a Democratic Republic.

Simple Definition of Democracy:

A form of government in which people choose leaders by voting; a country ruled by democracy; an organization or situation in which everyone is treated equally and has equal rights.

Simple Definition of Republic:

A country that is governed by elected representatives and by an elected leader (such as a president) rather than by a king, queen or monarch (owner of people, rich person, master…).

The United States of America was setup by citizens (We the People) to be an economy that is capitalistic socialism.

Simple Definition of Capitalism:

A way of organizing an economy so that the things that are used to make and transport products (such as land, oil, factories, ships, etc.) are owned by individual people (citizens, workers,…) and companies rather than by the government. Is the selling products at a fair (reasonable, realistic, rational) market price with proper financial gain for owners, workers, producers, etc. to consumers (owners, workers, producers…).

Simple Definition of socialism

A way of organizing a society (We the People) in which major human health and welfare industries (public water, air, and land) systems; transportation systems (roads, rail, air…); medical systems (insurance, services and products (medicines…), Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid are owned and controlled by the government rather than by individual people and companies.

Simple Definition of Democrat:

Is a person that abhors the nation's class system! Is a supporter the U.S. Constitution, Bill of Rights, and Federal Laws.

Simple Definition of Republican:

Is a person that supports the nation's class system! A person that ignores the U.S. Constitution, Bill of Rights, and Federal Laws.

Simple Definition of Oligarchy:

Government (U.S. Congress, less than 465 people) or control by a small group (Billionaires, Less than 150 people).

Simple Definition of Fascism:

Very harsh control or authority;  a way of organizing a society in which a government ruled by a dictator controls the lives of the people and in which people are not allowed to disagree with the government.