Sunday, November 8, 2015

07/18/2015 letter of recommendations

Define Recommendation: The act of saying that someone or something is good and deserves to be chosen.

It is this writer’s opinion that the following actions are not to be compromised…  Honesty, Truth, Trust…

Completely Unqualified United States Government Leaders (They must work for American Citizens now or resign today!):

During confirmation hearings in the Senate, in response to questioning by Senator Bernie Sanders (I-VT), Lew said that he did not believe deregulation was a "proximate cause" of the financial crisis of 2007–2008: Lew told the panel that "the problems in the financial industry preceded deregulation," and after discussing those issues, added that he didn't "personally know the extent to which deregulation drove it, but I don't believe that deregulation was the proximate cause."

This above is not an answer to Senator Sanders questions thus violating citizen’s trust of telling the truth. In such critical life affecting matters, as money and banking, for 100’s of millions of people this person should or should not be Trusted?

Carter was a supporter of the 2003 invasion of Iraq, as well as an advocate of preventive wars against North Korea and Iran. Carter is considering deploying ground-launched cruise missiles in Europe that could pre-emptively destroy the Russian weapons (Trust the U.S. like Cuba in the 1960’s?).

In such critical life affecting matters for 100’s of millions of people, such as war, this person should or should not Trusted?

It is important to gather more information on Lynch’s role in settling a $1.9 billion money-laundering deal with HSBC when she served as US attorney in New York. Recent admissions by Lynch that she had failed to find out about separate documents revealing HSBC's role in helping clients hide money offshore before agreeing not to prosecute the bank.

Recently she settled with big banks for teeny tiny fines compared to their balance sheet profits and put no one in jail for white collar crimes of collusion, corruption, money laundering, and fraud!

In such critical life affecting matters for 100’s of millions of people, such as justice in government agencies and white collar crimes, this person should or should not Trusted?

Jewell worked for Mobil oil company on oil fields in Oklahoma from 1978 through 1981, when she joined Rainier Bank. She worked in banking for twenty years, staying with Security Pacific, which acquired Rainier Bank, until 1992, and working for WestOne Bank from 1992 through 1995, and for Washington Mutual from 1995 through 2000.[5][6] In 1996, she joined the board of REI and in 2000 was named chief operating officer. In 2005, she succeeded Dennis Madsen as chief executive officer (CEO).

She recently approved more oil drilling on public lands.

In such critical life affecting matters for 100’s of millions of people, such as the countries environment, this person should or should not Trusted?

The first year of his second term saw creation of the Grow Iowa Values Fund, a $503 million appropriation designed to boost the Iowa economy by offering grants to corporations and initiatives pledged to create higher-income jobs (Did it happen or was it just an empty promise?). 

Vilsack used a line-item veto, later ruled unconstitutional by the Iowa Supreme Court, to pass the fund, vetoing portions of the bill that would have cut income taxes and eased business regulations. After a special session of the Iowa General Assembly on September 7, 2004, $100 million in state money was set aside to honor previously made commitments. The Grow Iowa Values Fund was reinstated at the end of the 2005 session: under the current law, $50 million per year will be set aside over the next ten years.

In such critical life affecting matters for 100’s of millions of people, such as our food and SNAP, this person should or should not Trusted?

Penny Pritzker was Superior's chairperson from 1991–1994. In 1993, the bank "embarked on a business strategy of significant growth into subprime home mortgages," according to a report by the United States Treasury Department. In 2000, it became clear the bank was faltering. In the months leading up to 2001, the Pritzkers tried to work out a recapitalization plan. In July 2001, FDIC seized the bank after the recapitalization could not be resolved. Subsequently, the Pritzker family reached an agreement with regulators to pay $460 million.

According to the FDIC, by 2011, the uninsured depositors of Superior had each received 81% of their uninsured monies, in addition to the $100,000 each previously received of their insured amount. Industry experts have criticized the Pritzkers in regard to Superior. Consumer advocates and government investigators asserted Superior "engaged in unsound financial activities and predatory lending practices.”

In such critical life affecting matters for 100’s of millions of people, such as commerce, this person should or should not Trusted?

She was a Director of MetLife and Metropolitan Life Insurance Company from January 2004 to April 2013.

In such critical life affecting matters for 100’s of millions of people, such as health and human services, this person should or should not Trusted?

On a February 15, 2015 airing of Meet the Press, McDonald stated that 60 Veterans Affairs employees had been fired because of the VA's wait time scandal. Later, he backtracked and clarified it was only eight employees that lost their jobs.

On February 23, 2015, McDonald admitted he misspoke trying to engage a homeless veteran on January 30, 2015 about his serving in the U.S. Army Special Forces, a conversation that was recorded by a CBS television news crew accompanying him during a nationwide count of homeless veterans. "I have no excuse, I was not in the Special Forces" he told The Huffington Post, which first broke the story.

The Huffington Post reported that "special operations forces" includes the Army Rangers and that McDonald completed Army Ranger training and took courses in jungle, arctic and desert warfare. He qualified as a senior parachutist and airborne jumpmaster, and was assigned to the 82nd Airborne Division until he resigned his commission in 1980. While he earned a Ranger tab designating him as a graduate of Ranger School, he never served in a Ranger battalion or any other special operations unit.

In such critical life affecting matters for millions of people, such as veterans services, this person should or should not Trusted?

After the end of the Clinton administration in 2001, Froman followed Robert Rubin from the Treasury Department to Citigroup. He was President and Chief Executive Officer of CitiInsurance and head of Emerging Markets Strategy at Citigroup, managing infrastructure and sustainable development investments. He received more than $7.4 million from January 2008 to 2009 alone.

This is the guy that sold Trade Promotion Authority and is negotiating the Trans Pacific partnership without sharing details or getting input from citizens.

In such critical life affecting matters for 100’s of millions of people, such as fair trade and American jobs, this person should or should not Trusted?

This person cannot enforce 501C4 or off-shoring laws and recommendations; but can harass and threaten less than middle class income people.

In such critical life affecting matters for 100’s of millions of people, such as collecting and enforcing tax laws, this person should or should not Trusted?

Federal Trade Commission

The Commission is headed by five Commissioners, nominated by the President and confirmed by the Senate, each serving a seven-year term. No more than three Commissioners can be of the same political party. The President chooses one Commissioner to act as Chairman.

Our Mission

To prevent business practices that are anti-competitive or deceptive or unfair to consumers; to enhance informed consumer choice and public understanding of the competitive process; and to accomplish this without unduly burdening legitimate business activity.

Our Strategic Goals

  • Protect Consumers: Prevent fraud, deception, and unfair business practices in the marketplace.
  • Maintain Competition: Prevent anti-competitive mergers and other anti-competitive business practices in the marketplace.

In such critical life affecting matters for 100’s of millions of people, such as enforcing economically fair rules and laws, this commission should or should not Trusted?

We get all hung up in the labels people assign to us and we assign to ourselves; this must end.

Recently many conservative media sources like FOX, ABC, CBS, NBC, and CNN have said that President Obama only works with conservatives and not liberals or progressives. They have also said that President Obama’s values and work have mostly been that of a moderate conservative free capitalist.

Anyone one aligned with him is a moderate conservative free capitalist at best and you should be extremely concerned: if you do not believe in trickle-down economics or immoral and unethical treatment of people as a social value.

Hillary Clinton and all republicans are of the same mold of President Obama. Where are Hillary and republicans getting their campaign funds? This indicates how much allegiance they really have to honesty, truth, and trust… and meeting the social and welfare needs of Americans.

It is this writer's opinion that we need to start making many calls and prepare to vote all free market capitalistic minded officials out of office in 2016 and to elect no more of them.

It is this writer's opinion, even though I live on a fixed income of Social Security and Military Retirement, that the government should be shutdown until $1 Trillion in capitalistic oriented projects are removed from the budget ($500 Billion or more in corporate subsidies, tax breaks, off-shored money..., $297 Billion in death tax abatement for billionaire families, $177 Billion in new toys of war). 

I believe that as we come out the the worst recession ever, that like in the 1930's this free market capitalistic budget will cause the second great depression, so  let's get on with it, because better things like the four freedoms of FDR presidency will come.
They could cause public works project of $250 Billion a year or more creating millions of good paying jobs. 

We will be able to reasonably and rationally fix issues with social security, medicare, and medicaid  funding by lifting caps and making them apply to all income (corporate and individual).

Find truths and facts and vote in 2016 for moral and ethical social and welfare candidates and not for free market capitalists.

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