Thursday, February 4, 2016

02/04/2016 Getting Real with U.S. Self-less Servants (U.S. Senator or Representative)

Truths of the economics for job positions.

Enough is Enough!

Very few senators or representatives are self-less servants to "We the People".

Few work all their hours and yet they get full pay and benefits and charge running around to the citizens of the U.S.

Their pay is reasonable for people in their positions. Seniors and many of us do not make a living wage nor do we get Senators or Representatives for cost of living adjustments (2015-2016 as an example) needs according to our costs.

They get family leave time and yet they will not give it to "We the People" as a right! They get full health care as a right and yet "We the People" do not have a right to affordable and rational health care.

Job Description of a U.S. Senator or Representative:

High energy, a charismatic or approachable personality and the ability to navigate bureaucratic channels are traits that help United States senators succeed. Senators represent the interests of their states’ citizens, write and support legislation and vote on bills. They divide their time between their home states and Washington, D.C., and spend considerable time meeting with constituents and fellow lawmakers and attending Senate sessions.

Just the Facts

U.S. senators must be at least 30 years old and citizens of the U.S. Membership is open to both natural-born and naturalized citizens, providing that naturalized citizens have been citizens for at least nine years. Naturalized citizens are people born in other countries who become citizens of the U.S. Senators must be inhabitants of the state they represent. Each senator serves a six-year term and is paid $174,000 per year, as of 2014. Senate majority and minority leaders receive $193,400 annually, and the president pro tempore receives $223,500. A background in business, communications or law can be helpful, particularly when writing or evaluating legislation.

Division Manager Job Description:

Division managers are part of America's middle management. These professionals are usually well-rounded and skilled at lots of managerial functions. Some of these tasks include human resources, sales management, production management and administrative management. The division manager is the equivalent of a lieutenant colonel in military standards. They oversee a wide range of personnel and job functions. They have large organizational responsibility while reporting to a vice president, general manager or controller. The 2009 average salary of a division manager is $174,000 in 2015.

Additional Information:

These job's require 60 hour plus work weeks and much reading and research at home on your own time. They require at least a 12 hour work day Monday through Friday and some Weekends.

Include in their compensation is 4 weeks vacation and maybe a week a quarter (every 3 months) for outside offsite interactions with constituents/customers.

Include average health insurance (medical 75/25; no vision, maybe dental). Any other benefits are paid by the employee and they are not paid for for work more hours and receive deductions in pay or fired when they do not working 2,880 hours a year in all capacities.

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