Saturday, November 7, 2015

06/19/2015 Terrorism and the First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution.

Official United States Government Definition of Terrorist:

"[An] act of terrorism, means any activity that (A) involves a violent act or an act dangerous to human life that is a violation of the criminal laws of the United States or any State, or that would be a criminal violation if committed within the jurisdiction of the United States or of any State; and (B) appears to be intended (i) to intimidate or coerce a civilian population; (ii) to influence the policy of a government by intimidation or coercion; or (iii) to affect the conduct of a government by assassination or kidnapping.

(United States Code Congressional and Administrative News, 98th Congress, Second Session, 1984, Oct. 19, volume 2; par. 3077, 98 STAT. 2707 [West Publishing Co., 1984]

Believed to be the Top Ten Terror Organizations and Gangs of the United States of America:

  1. Political Parties and Elected Officials, that vote against United States Citizen's Majority values and positions using their personal opinions as a guide: instead of voting based upon moral and ethical values of basic human needs for life.
    1. Right to one person - one vote (Not corporations are people and money is free speech)
    2. Right to Social Justice: i.e. Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, Food (SNAP - food stamps, Housing...) 
    3. Right to Universal Health Care for all citizens.
    4. Right to a Living Wage 
    5. Right to Fair Trade under fair market economics
  2. Multinational Corporations and Public Media Conglomerates (All Lobbyists)
  3. The G7/8 and the World Trade Organization
  4. Wall Street (Commodities, Investment, and Banking Interests)
  5. Organizations that support suppression of others (National Rifle Association (NRA), Militias, KKK, Pro-life organizations...)
  6. Bible thumping Christians who Quote the Bible out of context to justify their causes and actions
  7. Those that are money selfish, above the laws of the nation, and do not show true love of their neighbors. 
  8. Those in the Judicial system that use their power to legislate and suppress the true intents of our nations Constitution, Bill of Rights, and laws.
  9. Public Servants that murder, repress, and harass citizens because they believe their values and opinions make them unchallengeable and above all laws.
  10. The rest of the people of this nation that do not stay informed with truths and facts, do not vote because they feel that votes do not matter, and do not work for social justice for all citizens.
Believed to be the Top Ten Victims:
  1. Citizens of a different background, faith, or outward look than white, male, of European Decent.
  2. Those that do not agree with your own unjustifiable opinions.
  3. Those that cannot defend themselves (children, the disabled, senior citizens...)
  4. The nations military and its veterans; who gave us our freedoms
  5. Those that fight for social justice for all citizens based in humane treatment of all citizens
  6. Countries that are not currently democracies
  7. Employees of multinational corporations
  8. Employees of federal and state governments
  9. People that join together, in union, like this country originally intended for itself in the Declaration of independence, Constitution, and Bill of Rights to attain safety, defense, justice...
  10. Those that support and work for freedom of speech, freedom of worship, freedom from want, and freedom from fear (terror).

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