Wednesday, June 29, 2016

06/29/2016 Destroying Social Security and Medicare fear mongering walls.

Social Security:

Going broke.
Cannot be sustained.

Social Security Fix:

  • Take cap off income level.
  • Leave tax at 6.2 % for Individual and employer. Most people would put 6% in their retirement accounts if there was an employer match. Makes employers contribute to employee’s retirement.
  • Make it so the government cannot use this money for other areas of the federal budget.

Medicare for All (single payer system):

Going broke.
Cannot be sustained.

Medicare for All (single payer system) Fix:

  • Average percentage spent on health care in a family budget 10+%
  • Increase tax from 1.45% to 6.5% for individuals and employer.
  • Allow negotiation of medication costs.
  • Enforce a reasonable cost for all procedures and hospital costs plus 10% profit (paid by individual) giving incentives to government and individuals to monitor costs. No Private health insurance except for covering the 10%.

Call your elected officials and 2016 candidates; vote!

06/28/2016 Destroying wage fear mongering walls.

Minimum wage facts:

This brief reviews the extensive body of research on the impact of higher minimum wages in the U.S. over the past twenty years and draws these key findings:

The bulk of rigorous research examining hundreds of case studies of minimum wage increases at the state and local levels finds that raising the minimum wage boosts incomes for low-paid workers without reducing overall employment or job growth to any significant degree.

Businesses are able to absorb the cost of paying higher wages without reducing employment through a range of channels, including savings from increased employee productivity and reductions in employee turnover that consistently result from minimum wage increases.

Who Will Benefit from a $15 Living Wage indexed to inflation?
  • 35 million workers (more than one in four)
  • 30 percent of wage-earning women (which equals 19.6 million women)
  • 35 percent of African American workers
  • 38 percent of Hispanic workers
  • 15.5 million working men
  • Adults: 89 percent of affected workers are 20 years old or older
  • Parents: 27.7 percent of affected workers have children
  • Lower-income families: Half of affected workers have total family incomes of less than $40,000 a year
  • College-educated workers: 45 percent of affected workers have at least some college experience
  • Children: 17.5 million children (23 percent of all U.S. children) have at least one parent who will get a raise

Call your Elected Official and 2106 Candidates; Vote!

06/29/2016 Destroying Public Education fear mongering walls.

Although Elementary, Secondary, Post-secondary education costs are high in the world’s richest country, there are many places abroad where vocational/college education is virtually free.

Among the 30 Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) Countries reporting data, seven countries, spent over 6.0 percent of their GDP on total education expenditures. The United States spends 4.2 percent of GDP.

The United States spent $11,700 per Full-time equivalent (FTE) student at the elementary/secondary level, which was 31 percent higher than the average of $9,000 for OECD member country reporting data.

Postsecondary level expenditures per FTE student $9,400 average for OECD member country reporting data.

The United States of GDP (2.8 percent) was higher than the OECD average (1.5 percent) and higher than that of any other OECD member country reporting data.

Free Public Education:

  • Brazil: Brazil’s universities charge registration fees, but they do not require regular tuition.
  • Germany: Is eager to attract foreign students to tuition-free universities due to the country’s shortage of skilled workers.
  • Finland: Finland doesn’t have tuition fees, but the government does warn foreigners that they have to cover living expenses. Imagine going to college and only worrying about room and board.
  • France: France does charge tuition – but normally around 200 dollars at public universities. A far cry from what you’d pay in the United States, even in a state school.
  • Norway: Norwegian students, including foreigners studying in the country, do not have to pay any college tuition.
  • Slovenia: Eastern Europe only charges a registration fee – no tuition.
  • Sweden:  Although college there is free, cost of living may be pricey for foreigners.

Eliminating Charter Schools, Co-location using Public Facilities/Equipment, and Tuition Assistance would greatly improve well-managed Public School Systems.

A System that focuses on educating in Reading, Writing, Arithmetic, History, Social Studies, and Critical Thinking. Like all the OECD member countries. 

English as a second language would be given to students on a parent paid funding at registration. 

Special Needs and Vocational Education would remain a part the Public Education System costs for life; eliminating the Department of Vocational Rehabilitation.

Call your Elected Officials and 2016 Candidates; Vote.

Last Updated: May 2016

Sunday, June 26, 2016

06/26/2016 Challenging the United States Political System.

I want to remain positive about a nonviolent political revolution in the United States. 

I want the rigged two party system to be challenged. 

I want reporters and reporting to follow the Journalists Creed. 

Values, issues, policies, and effort matter. 

I made an effort on election reform with three White House Petitions that need to be signed before Jul 24th, 2016. 8 signatures? 

I made an attempt at true journalistic reporting with an 8 minute YouTube video. 

Moving forward and making efforts to continue the Revolution; please help.

Do not give-up and go negative!

06/26/2016 Changes required to being a Democratic Republic

Important White House Petitions; let's talk about a three legged stool too return the United States too being a democratic republic:

The electoral college is a relic. It's time to let the people choose the president.

The electoral college insures that there will only be two political parties.

Another problem is the severe imbalance between the less populated states and the densely populated states.

The Constitution specifically states a candidate for President or Vice President must receive a majority of the electoral votes to win (currently 270). If there is a tie (or a third or fourth party siphons off enough votes) then the process gets even less democratic, since Congress would be in charge of electing the president.

In 2000, Al Gore won the popular vote by approximately 500,000 votes. However, due to the Electoral College, the person with fewer votes won — George W. Bush.

Signatures needed to return to one person one vote and reasonable publicly funded elections; frequently used to describe political campaigns funded by the government rather than private individuals and organizations.

United States public referendum to eliminate election donations; Public funding of elections.

The phrase publicly funded elections is frequently used to describe political campaigns funded by the government rather than private individuals and organizations.

This will mean democracy will return on a one person one vote basis.

This will mean any voter can run for elected office.

United States must hold a national public referendum for getting to a one person one vote format with no gerry-mandering.

The Supreme Court unanimously ruled on April 4, 2016 that states may count all residents, whether or not they are eligible to vote, in drawing election districts.

Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg wrote for the court.

“Nonvoters have an important stake in many policy debates — children, their parents, even their grandparents, for example, have a stake in a strong public-education system — and in receiving constituent services, such as help navigating public-benefits bureaucracies,”

“By ensuring that each representative is subject to requests and suggestions from the same number of constituents, total population apportionment promotes equitable and effective representation.”

Thank you for signing the white house petitions before July 24, 2016.